ATEC today congratulated retiring Labor Minister, Martin Ferguson, on his contribution to the industry during his time as Federal Tourism Minister.
"Minister Ferguson has made an enormous contribution to the Australian tourism industry over the past 5 years and the industry has benefited greatly from his focus, dedication and vision," ATEC Managing Director, Felicia Mariani said today.
"In that time Mr Ferguson has helped to bring the various state and federal entities together in order to focus our industry on a long term strategy to overcome some of the issues that have held it back in the past.
"He has been a tremendous support and advocate for the industry, but most importantly he has set a vision and goal for his department and his agency and then let them get on with the job.
"Tourism gained a strong friend and supporter with his appointment to the portfolio which finally brought a significant voice for tourism to the cabinet table. Deservedly, he has earned a great deal of influence and respect amongst his cabinet colleagues.
ATEC Chairman, John King OAM, said Mr Ferguson would be sorely missed as a leading supporter of the tourism industry.
He said ATEC had enjoyed a close and productive working relationship with Mr Ferguson since he was first appointed Shadow Minister for Tourism and had developed the highest respect for his commitment to, and understanding of, the issues of tourism.
"He will be particularly remembered for his passion and drive for the development of the important Chinese tourism market to Australia and for the greater involvement and employment of Indigenous people in tourism," Mr King said.