According to a statement released by Delta's Senior Vice President in New York Gail Grimmett, "We are thrilled that WiFi is now available to our Delta Shuttle customers as it's a perfect complement to other Shuttle amenities including free morning coffee and newspapers."
Delta is also claiming that they are the first carrier to install WiFi across its entire mainline and two-class regional fleet. Delta said that "when WiFi installations on regional jets are complete, more than 400,000 Delta customers on more than 3,000 daily flights will have the in-flight connectivity on a fleet that already makes up nearly half of the world's WiFi equipped aircraft."
WiFi will definitely be a big business generator for Delta as many traveling businessmen will relish the opportunity to check email and make business transactions and decisions mid-flight. Heck, people will just love to be able to Tweet and update Facebook with something like "30,000 feet in the air right now on my way to the Big Apple!".
Source: USA Today - Delta: All Shuttle flights now have in-flight Wi-Fi